Here is what I'm calling my wild flower
4 ft by 3 ft
on a canvas I stretched!
There is a lot going on, on this canvas
its very rich with color and texture
Here is another canvas I started while in Floras class
this is 3 ft by 5 ft
another one I stretched myself : )
I just decided to use a junky old brush and do an outline of a tree
I really didn't like it, so maybe tomorrow I'll try it upside down
Mike is in the process of finish our "re due"
As much as we needed to do the re due...its making the animals and me a bit crazy
When Cindy came by the other day for our art party
she brought this.
A canvas we started 7 years ago! lol
was to be a collaboration amongst 5 women
we need to start that back up and finish this puppy!
I had what I was calling a "job" interview today with two women in Evanston
looking for someone to do some art classes in their gather/art place
was the best interview I've ever had
it felt right
so I'll keep you posted on how it turns out
lisa D.