Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last potty pics

Today's post is on the art in  Mike's bathroom
 3 Above were bought a few years back with my now 22 yr old son in mind
 These 3 ... 1 made me think of Mike...a head full of numbers and figures
Middle 1 I just got and love the colors! This one made me think of my nephew, now that his Dad has passed, he seems to be a new boy hanging with us (3 boys, Mike Zack & Cal) 
3rd painting is me of course with our beloved Matilda Rae
 My largest one above is also about Mike, this one has many people on his mind.
 The 2 above... 1 made me think of Mike & Zack...being pulled in so many directions
2nd one I had to have, because of my daisy obsession.
 The 2 above. Top one for my brother in law who passed on last summer, he was a fisherman and this some how was a farewell kind of image I had.
The bottom one I bought for Cal, he said he didn't want any people paintings in his room, so I kept it for now. The people in in brown rep. my brother in law, Cal in red at the bottom and my in laws behind them both.
 Top painting made me think of Zack...that he needed to branch out to new friends
Bottom I bought when Zack left for collage
 These 2 small paintings are 
Penelope Picasso and Andy Warhol
from 2004

 My home is filled with art! 
My art and other artists art...sometimes it must feel like we live in my studio.
The man who has done all but the bottom 2 paintings is know in our house as 
I have many many more of Dans work, this is just whats in Mike's bathroom.

I only have 2 bathrooms
We'll see what room I do next.
Enjoy the day
Lisa D.


angela recada said...

Wow! Gorgeous! I really love your eye for art.

Unknown said...

: ) Thanks Angela...good to see you

Poetic Artist said...

Potty pics..funny..They are wonderful.

Unknown said...

Thanks Katelene : )

Maybe next week I'll photo the kitchen

Anke Martin said...

Thanks Lisa for sharing all those unique artworks and inspiration! What unique bathrooms! Looks like your house is kind of a gallery already!!! Smiles, Anke :)

Unknown said...

I love that, Anke...My home is kind of like a small gallery for sure : )

Have a great day