Sometime in the beginning of January I signed up for two on line art journal classes
and have been art journaling it up! : )
It is kinda funny ... I'm finding that they are blending into one
My workspace is crazy right now...although if you asked anyone that lives here with me if it looks crazy or normal...they'd say normal : )
I felt the need to document this.
Right around the holidays Hannah had asked me if there might be a doctor out there who could help her with her legs with her walking and running and the muscle cramps she often experiences. We investigated and found a bone surgeon who could answer Hannah questions. This past Monday we met with a wonderful doctor who said to Hannah...ABSOLUTELY we can help you! I had been preparing Hannah to hear no that this is just who you are and how your body works.
Almost fifteen years ago when Hannah was born one of her diagnosis's was cerebral palsy and we were told she would be wheel chair bound. After crying it out for a bit I decided Hannah & I were going to do our best to beat this cp! and here we are almost fifteen years later. I feel proud of myself for helping Hannah develop as well as she has so far and that I've also raised her to know she can speak up and ask for what she wants and needs.
Hope the sun is shinning in your neighborhood today
Lisa D.