Friday, September 4, 2009

Happenings in the artroom

I know I've been away from blogland for a bit, but here are a few pics of whats been going on.
Here is my inspiration corner
An old guitar I painted over 3 yrs ago
The bassists guitar and a tree painting he liked
Here is the guitar I was commissioned to do for a bass player in Zacks band
I like the background, but I'm a bit stumped with the body of the bass...We'll see what comes of it
I've also been making some journals
I'll post some pics of those later when the sun is out.
Lisa D.

p.s. This is my 99 th post I may need to have some sort of celebration : )


Anonymous said...

yay! nice to "see" you're busy- awesome! have lots of fun creating! and we WILL get together someday.

Anke Martin said...

Hi Lisa, looks like everybody is kind of busy in the last time. Well when summer is over I'm sure the blogger world is more busy again. Hope you enjoyed your summer time. We enjoyed August pretty much, was kind of nice all month long. Looking forward to the end result of the painting. Enjoy creating in your Studio! Smiles, Anke ;)

Anonymous said...

cool seeing your progress with this painting. Looking awesome and such a powerful feel to it.

thedoodlegirl said...

Ooooh, I like!

Rena Jones said...

That's really cool!