So far this has turned out to be a Tree crafting Chistmas
I had been sick with some sort of consumption
and spent two days cutting out circles to make this tree
then I saw the idea to sew a tree
When we first moved to our home (13yrs ago) we had just lost Jake
This new home was on an acre of land
I made a memorial garden/flower bed for Jake
When we lost my brother in law last summer
I felt Jakes garden needed to be able to hold many memorials
the photo below shows the star fish Char & I picked out for Dan
Hasn't made it to the garden yet
I kind of like seeing it daily
Remember these from 2 wks ago?
They have evolved
These are Debbies
shes so good!
Here are many of them
Hard to photograph because of their size
We sure had fun making them
I rarely work with clay
my hands aren't good at molding it
but I surely enjoyed all the company
I'm ready to mail off my swirl commission tomorrow
I'll miss it
The longer it takes to work on something
The more attached I am to it
Wednesday, Stephy, Zacks girlfriend will be over to make some trees with me
and then I'm done with crafting!
for this this year
I will start my next commission next week!
Have a great day!
Lisa D.