Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One of my first blogs

Welcome to one of my first blogs. Ive tried this once before and never seemed to follow through...maybe this time it will : ) I'm an at home maybe I can connect to some of the outside world from here since I never seem to leave the rock I live under.

For about 5 years now Ive been creating art through painting...well then a few months back I came across Suzi Blu on Youtube and have been art journaling ever since. I was even talked into giving a class on it and gosh what fun that was to share my self taught knowlege : )


Anonymous said...

Lisa, this blogsite is so awesome! I can't believe you thought and created this! Can't wait to watch all your blogs!

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous...Thanks for writing...I'm trying still too figure out this blog thing...are you able to view more then just the one photo of the cover of my book or have you been able to view all?

Anonymous said...

I've been lucky enough to see alot of your art and to sit with you as you transformed a few of them into beautiful butterflies! I'm a big fan of your art and you and your daughter were my inspiration to art. I think you're starting this blog thing...better than I would! Can't wait to see your newest attempt.

Unknown said...

Anonymous...Gosh you've got me smiling over here...You must be a female...Ive not worked with many men...if any at all...Hmmmmm...gonna keep me guessing? lol I am have been writing to me under my first blog...are you able to view my more recent posts?