Monday, January 9, 2012

Class starts today

 My class with Misty Mawn has started and I needed to find my charcoals and knew where they were hiding. Once I dug them out and opened my boxes I discovered so much color in them. 
My breathing changes when I see these rich

As I was piling up my baskets of paint, I decided I liked the way this little corner looks there with Mystels two paintings  :  )
 Little Ms. Ladycat looks like she is going to hatch some eggs.
Happy Day to you

Lisa D.


p said...

love all your chalky colors...chalk is fun. congrats on the class! just checked her out, i see her etsy store is empty :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Paula!

Love all your metal!

Deborah Lynn said...

sticks of color
have the same effect on me!
what a treasure to re-find~

Unknown said...

Colors colors everywhere : )

Thanks Deborah